Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Peer Pressure

When it comes to finding your first graduate job you will no doubt be affected by what your friends plans are. Big name companies in trendy locations. Sounds great in the pub but don't feel you have to "go with the flow". Your best chances may be elsewhere.We all have different goals and time plans so don't become overly worried about the directions your friends are taking. Think for yourself. Develop a strategy over a set time period and don't get distracted. Sure, listen to what they say but remember to stay focused on what's right for you and where you'll end up in 5 years time and don't put uneccessary pressure on yourself.

Monday, 23 August 2010

Consider your online identity when applying for graduate jobs

Like it or not, some employers and recruiters will search for you on social networking websites. You are in control of your online identity and a prudent candidate would take this as seriously as their CV and covering letter. A simple solution would be to restrict public access to your profiles, but a page on a social networking site that shows you are socially active and fun could increase your employment credentials. Just try to avoid anything controversial like an outlandish political view that seemed funny at the time or over use of swearing or any other inappropriate material.

If you haven't already, it may be a good idea to set up a LinkedIn profile. This is an online networking site for professionals. On this site an employer will be able to see the contacts you have made during any previous work experience you have had. Also, if you have an account with LinkedIn it’s often the first result if someone Googles your name, making it easy for them to view your professional history.

Monday, 16 August 2010

Go The Extra Mile with Graduate Job Interviews

Before an interview we all know that it is good practice to do some research. This will help you answer typical questions like ‘tell me what you know about the business?’ The obvious place to find relevant information will be the company’s website. However, the problem is that every other candidate will be doing the same, leaving you with very little to distinguish yourself with - don’t miss this opportunity to impress! When researching before an interview you need to go the extra mile and use your time intelligently. Research the company’s competitors, the market they deal in and see if they have been in the news recently. These are the areas you need to cover if you want to show the interviewer you’re really on the pulse and that you want that graduate job.

Monday, 9 August 2010

Leave on good terms

A key part of a successful move into a new graduate job will be getting a clean breakaway from any current employers. The best approach is to give as much notice as possible and continue working as if you plan to stay. While it is important to give good notice, make sure you have written conformation from your new employer before you do so. Also, try to avoid telling co-workers that you are applying elsewhere. This will allow you to keep your options open. Before leaving, ask a senior person who you a have worked with to give you a reference. If you talk to this person about your future role and what you hope to achieve, then they will be able to promote you in a better way.

Monday, 2 August 2010

Still Graduate Job Hunting? Do Something!

If you have graduated and you are struggling to get a graduate job the best thing to do in the short term is, you guessed it, something! When you get that important interview, the potential employer will ask what you’ve been up to since graduating. If you haven’t got a good response alarm bells will start ringing. If you can reel off a list of useful pursuits it will show you've been busy and create the impression that you could be an active employee. So get out there, pass your driving test, do some voluntary work, learn to play the trombone, visit recruitment fairs, do a sponsored run, shadow a professional and master Mandarin!