Monday, 27 August 2012

Know The Hidden Market

There are loads of graduate jobs advertised directly from companies each year, however this isn’t the complete overview of what is available. In order to gain a complete insight into the job market it is important to consider a number of different avenues.

The internet is pretty much everyone’s primary resource these days, with instant ability to search for graduate jobs. But there are other useful sources, such as job boards and recruitment consultancies that can offer a broader insight into what is available.

Signing up to just one of these resources is not enough though, different job boards and consultancies will have different clients and therefore different jobs to recruit for, so signing up to as many as possible increases the opportunities available to you. These can be registered for either online or through events such as Fresher Fairs and Recruitment Fairs that the university will be holding at some point during your time there, so make sure you attend these and make the most of every opportunity available.

Monday, 20 August 2012

Tell Me About Yourself

It’s a very common thing for an interviewer to ask you to do at the beginning of a job interview, but are you answering it effectively?

This is a seemingly nice ice breaker but the employer will be looking for examples in your answer of how your history and experiences are transferable to their company and illustrate why you are the right candidate for the job.

Remember to keep it relevant to the job to which you are applying and relate it back at all times. For example, which university you went to, what you studied, the work experience and general experience you have done which has led to your interest in that particular role. If you do have any extra-curricular activities then they are great to mention alongside this. Be careful not to fall into the trap of cliché answers such as ‘I enjoy socialising’ and we definitely recommend avoid leading with ‘what would you like to know?’

Monday, 13 August 2012

Dress To Fit

How do you decide what you are going to wear to that all important graduate interview? It may seem obvious, the standard 3 piece suit attire of course, but is it really that simple?

When deciding on interview clothing there is a key thing you should consider that a lot of people don’t.  Firstly, what is the company culture at the company? If the dress code is smart, then the 3 piece suit would be a wise choice, however if the office is full of people in shorts and flip flops then it may be a bit much. We aren’t saying also wear shorts and flip flops but in these situations smart trousers, shoes and shirt may be more appropriate and ensure neither party feels uncomfortable. It would also show you have done your research on the company and demonstrate your ability to fit nicely into their company culture.

If after doing some research you are unsure about the requirements of how you should dress for the interview do not be afraid to ask your point of contact at the company, if anything they will be impressed by your organisation and attention to detail.

Monday, 6 August 2012

Don't Forget You

It’s a stressful time thinking about finishing university and all the different elements that come along with it. There is so much to do and we know that sometimes it seems like there just aren’t enough hours in the day for everything and it is very easy to let everything take over your life, but it’s so important to try and retain a healthy balance between work and relaxing.

Don’t lose touch with your friends and your social life, these elements are actually just as important as the work. Achieving a good balance, ensuring you see your friends and maintain an active lifestyle will make you feel happier in general and therefore more productive, aiding your university work and your job search.

Planning your time and writing out a timetable can help achieve this balance, ensuring you utilise the time you have in the best possible way. This structure will ensure you are reserving some time for yourself, enabling you to relax and rejuvenate, ensuring you give yourself the best possible chance of success.