Tip number 1: It is possible to save hundreds of pounds a year solely by being yourself; a student. Subscribe to all the online discount services such as wowcher, student beans, vouchercloud to name but a few. Also, every time you go to buy something, ask if they provide a student discount, remember that they won’t charge you more for asking so don’t worry about looking like a cheap skate.
Tip number 2: As grueling as it may sound, making a spread sheet of your monthly income and outgoings may well be worth the hassle. If you keep your receipts and can physically see how much your spending and whether your lifestyle is sustainable, it may give you the motivation to finally get on top of your finances. You can’t cheat the spread sheet.
Tip number 3: To get a little bit of spare cash throughout the term, if you find your text books from last year aren’t of any use to your module choices this year, sell them, set up an amazon or eBay account or even use the student VLE to flog your old books. Someone somewhere needs that second-hand selling price.