Tuesday 26 April 2011

How Customised is Your CV?

Every graduate job you apply to should have its very own customised CV that pin-points the job requirements for that role. When swept up in a wave of sending multiple frantic applications, so many candidates fall short on this and it really shows. Make sure you’re delivering quality, not quantity. One good technique is to read over the job specification several times, create a list of five or so key qualities they look for and then go about re-arranging the content of your CV to cover/highlight them. Talk more in-depth on the important areas and less on the irrelevant ones to save space, making new sections or even bolding some key words if needed. Use the same terminology as the job specification and do some internet research to brush up on any areas you don’t understand – the last thing you want is to get caught out talking the talk but not walking the walk! As time passes you will soon have a customised CV for most job requirements that only needs minor tweaking, saving you a lot of time. Make sure you re-name them so you don’t get confused and definitely re-name again to a generic name before you send.