Monday 23 May 2011

Tailoring your Graduate Application Form

Employers expect applications for graduate jobs to reflect commitment and meticulous attention.  It is crucial that enough time and care is dedicated to filling them out and proofreading them for any spelling and grammatical errors. Every application should bear in mind the position applied for, and should not have any ‘generic’ connotations.  These reflect a lack of dedication and research into your potential employer. A rushed application form is instantly obvious and will fast track you to the unsuccessful pile! Make sure you invest your undivided attention in reading and interpreting each question. From the research you have done on the company, ensure that your response is fitting to satisfy their values and beliefs. All applications need to be tailored, even those for similar roles, as different employers seek different attributes in their candidates.  A well-tailored, grammatically sound application which observes the company’s ethos is therefore sure to impress!