Monday 26 December 2011

Don't Be So Modest In Your Graduate Job Search

What wouldn’t you change about your life? It’s definitely a question which provokes a lot of thought and even more analysis over what would be an acceptable answer. However, if we were to ask what you would change about your life we bet you could think of a number of different things instantly and wouldn’t hesitate to tell us them all. Why is this?

Our upbringing is a big part of the reasoning behind this. We were brought up to be modest and not boast about our achievements. As much as these are brilliant traits to have, it’s time to stop eating so much humble pie whilst searching and interviewing for graduate jobs.

Think about everything you have been involved in and embrace it, there is a difference between being outrageously self centred and merely stating the positive impact you have had upon previous employers and the community. Everyone has done something worth discussing so use your experiences to set yourself apart and be proud of what you have achieved, graduate recruiters won't be impressed by someone who cannot recognise the value they can and have contributed both within and outside of employment.