Firstly, get organised. As obvious as it sounds, organisation is key, get a diary or write notes on a calendar. Whether it’s going to be one big deadline or a few medium sized ones, it’s important to know when they are and how long you have to spread the work load and reach the date.
Secondly, use the wise words Aesop in the fable of the tortoise and the hare, slow and steady does win the race. It’s a lot healthier to spread the workload over the week, two week or month long period you have been given to complete the task, this way the task won’t feel as intimidating. Essay deadline? You may find yourself reading and learning more about the subject you’re writing about, giving you time to get more interested in it. Application? You’ll be giving yourself more time to think about the answers and paint a truer picture of who you are within the confines of the typical application format. Presentation? Practice does indeed make perfect.
Finally, if you find it difficult to meet deadlines, treat yourself for reaching certain points. Set a goal, achieve the goal, get you’re treat; and it’s as simple as that.