Monday 28 June 2010

Don't fight distraction, work with it!

So the summer has officially arrived! With job hunting probably being the next priority, it may seem almost impossible to focus during such good weather and new found freedom. The best way to approach this is to work out a balance of work and play. Remember, only you can master your discipline so if you're feeling guilty because you haven't spent enough time graduate job hunting then treat your job hunt like a job. Your entire education has been spent working to deadlines and when these boundaries are lifted, it can be easy for your attention to drift. To avoid this try setting yourself shifts. For example 10am - 12pm job hunting, followed by a break outside enjoying the sun, before coming back to do another few hours in the evening. Routine is the key here - don't job hunt outside of your hours and do nothing but search and apply for jobs during them. Over time, you will be amazed how productive you've become in those slots solely because you know you have to make it count!