Monday 4 October 2010

Career fairs and Fresher’s fairs

University life kicks off with the simply unmissable Autumn Career fairs and Fresher’s fairs. Fresher’s Week will not be complete without a visit to the single biggest event organised by your university which welcomes thousands of students who have just started, bringing a certain amount of excitement and uncertainty.

The upcoming Career fairs during September and October will provide valuable information and direction to beginning your job search. You can register with graduate recruitment agencies looking for candidates and find out about work placements, internships and volunteer work, which is a great start to shaping your CV. Don’t forget about the Fresher’s fair even if you’re not a new starter, as it’s still a good opportunity to refresh your memory about the facilities on offer outside your course of study, from sport, right through to trampolining, cheerleading, and badminton; and interests like film, music, and culture. It's a great way to meet like minded people. Local businesses including fast food restaurants, hairdressers, gyms and nightclubs are often in fierce competition resulting in them going to great lengths to win over students to get them to use their products or services, so there will be great freebies, giveaways and discounts, make sure you don’t miss out on anything!