Monday 7 March 2011

Productive Procrastination

When you have exhausted all plausible forms of procrastination, ie, the washing up is done, the laundry is folded and arranged by 'genre', you have batch cooked enough food to feed a small town and have repeatedly 'refreshed' your Facebook page, it is time to stop and focus on what you should really be doing!  If you're looking for that dream job, writing your CV and ensuring it stands out from the crowd can be extremely time-consuming and requires a great deal of care and attention. Avoidance tactics may seem to be your body's natural defense mechanism against CV writing but prove only to disrupt and confuse this vital part of job-hunting. Always remember that initially your CV is the only means via which a prospective employer will form an opinion of you.  It should therefore reflect you in an honest yet favourable manner.  Procrastinating disperses your attention and makes you lose the momentum essential for a well-written CV.  So, next time you feel the nagging 'urge' to re-arrange your desk, de-fragment your PC or any other non-urgent task, only to avoid writing your CV, consider what you could be risking!