Monday 28 February 2011

Delivering Yourself Well Over the Phone

A telephone interview is your first chance to bring your CV profile to life after being just another CV in the shortlist so make sure you deliver yourself in a confident and polite manner. If you get a call out of the blue and don't recognise the number don't answer in a dreary relaxed attitude no matter what mood you are in - it could be an employer and first impressions are SO important. Making sure that the conversation keeps flowing is key and avoiding 'erms' and 'umms' will keep you sounding sharp but if you need a moment to think over a question just say so instead of filling the gaps with rambling. Always remember to ask questions back given your turn. Interviewing for graduate jobs is a two way process but don't get carried away by just asking about entitlements like holiday, benefits, bonuses and salary as it will only make them feel you're interested for the wrong reasons. Everyone goes to work to earn money, that's already clear, but employers want to connect with people that share the right interests, ideologies and passions not people with a one track mind hell-bent on their own gain!