Monday 15 August 2011

Hobbies and Interests on Your CV

Remember, if you choose to include a section on hobbies and interests on your CV for gradute jobs, it can be a massive employer turn-off to use generic content such as ‘I like music’ or ‘I like reading and going to the cinema’. Points like those bring nothing to your CV and instead can actually paint quite an unimaginative picture of yourself. What this section is really about is a chance to show off any interests that extend from work into your own life which truly shows that your passion and progression as a professional doesn’t stop at 5:30pm every day! For example, say you want to work in Marketing so in your spare time you run a society’s social media or build/design websites. Perhaps you are trying to get into Finance so in the evenings you dabble with a fantasy Forex account or you want to work as a journalist so you write for a blog. The possibilities are endless in the way you can express your genuine interest in a subject so always try and benchmark your hobbies and interests on valuable points that the employer will take note of.