Ensure all your personal and contact information is clear and correct. Make sure you have included an up to date mobile number, a home number (if applicable) and email address, and that you have written them correctly. If you miss numbers or use an old university email address then you are not contactable.
Provide all information clearly in sections and make sure elements are shown in reverse chronological order and that this is kept consistent throughout your CV.
Declare your A level or equivalent results, not just subjects studied or they may be assumed to not meet the requirements. Also provide a predicted final grade (or actual grade if already achieved) for your degree, along with a couple relevant module results.
Finally, avoid paragraphs and mini essays of information within your CV. These days it is so important that potential employers can recognise your achievements, both academic and extra curricular, quickly. If you have provided this within a half a page of writing it isn’t clear and won’t show you off to your full potential.
For more information on CV’s please refer to our CV guide: http://www.grb.uk.com/cv_makeover.0.html