1. Start Early. Sleeping in and revising late will leave you sluggish, unmotivated and distracted. Starting early will ensure you feel you have achieved and also have some time to relax with friends.
2. Put a timetable up and send it to your friends. Then people will know when you are supposed to be revising, which will lessen distractions and increase motivation.
3. Go Old School. Print all the information you need from your computer then switch it off. With technology comes many distractions, take it old school with paper and colourful pens for increased success.
4. Utilise what you are learning. Don’t just sit and stare at facts until you think you have memorised them. Answer practice questions and write mini essays about what you are learning to ensure you truly understand and can use your knowledge.
5. Potassium. Eat bananas to enhance focus and increase energy. Don’t fall into the trap of living off caffeine, go for a slow energy release and feel sustained for longer.
Good Luck!